Ladies, This Is What To Wear If you Want to Look Younger

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Ageing gracefully is what will crave. No one wants took all wrinkly and unattractive at any point in their lives. To maintain a youthful aura in one’s older stage in life, here are a few outfit ideas you could try.

1. Colour

Wearing outfits that are bit bright but not to bright in colour might help to give a youthful impression. Mint green, coral yellow and a mellow red are just the thing. Don’t go too bright but also try to limit the dark clothes you wear, especially close to your face. Limit the darker to one in an outfit.

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2. Jeans

Nothing says youth like a good pair of fitting jeans. By fitting I don’t mean right jeans but rather jeans that complement your figure but are not to snug. It would also be a good idea to wear trousers that do not bring attention to, let’s say a big belly, if you happen to have one. Different shades of blue, black or white jeans are a good suggestion.

3. Avoid two piece outfit

A matching skirt and blouse, especially in dark colours and official say mature. This should be kept for the office and such occasiond. If you must wear a two piece, try same design and different colors or vice versa. Or you can wear a matching outfit of two pieces in different colors.

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