How to Make Sex Even Sweeter After Marriage

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sex and marriage Sex is more just a word like Marriage, But sex does not have to get boring in a long- term marriage, Your  intimate relationship should get better each day.

Sex with your partner can be more satisfying because your driven by love, There are ways to prioritize sex, Finding time to put in effort.

Factors like kids,Finances and chores should not interfere with both your desire for sex.

Building and maintaining a good sex life requires both your effort.

By keeping keeping your intimate relationship satisfying, Date nights, physical attraction, productive & meaningful communication, Acceptance of each others flaws among others.

Talk with one another about your expectations concerning love making, lf your expectations are not met communicate this sensitively.

But before that set the mood in advance by sending signals throughout the day like sending texts,phone calls and hugs just for excitement to your sex date..