The Best Temperature To Set Your House To In Spring

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As the days lengthen and the chill of winter gradually fades away, springtime fluctuations in temperature can make finding the ideal level of warmth for your home a challenge. The Best Temperature To Set Your House To In Spring can be a challenge.

Setting the thermostat too high guarantees a high energy bill, while too low will make you miserable – so how do you find the level that’s just right? 

Llewellyn Kinch, the CEO and co-founder of MakeMyHouseGreen, sheds light on how you can find the perfect balance.

What’s The Temperature To Aim For?

The ideal indoor temperature during spring typically ranges between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius/64 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This range strikes a balance between maintaining a comfortable environment and minimizing energy consumption. Llewellyn explains, ‘Keeping your home within this temperature range ensures that you remain comfortable without overworking your heating system.’

How To Handle Seasonal Transitions

As spring transitions from cooler mornings to warmer afternoons, adjusting your thermostat settings accordingly will enhance your comfort and improve efficiency. Llewellyn recommends programmable thermostats or smart heating systems that allow for automated temperature adjustments based on your schedule and preferences. ‘With programmable thermostats, you can effortlessly adapt to changing temperatures throughout the day, ensuring comfort while maximizing energy efficiency,’ Llewellyn advises.

More Tips for Best Temperature To Set Your House

Get Some Fresh Air

Opening windows during mild spring days allows fresh air to circulate, naturally cooling your home without relying on mechanical systems. This will help everyone inside feel fresh and healthy as well!

Put On A Sweater

Instead of cranking up the thermostat, try putting on an extra layer first. You’ll often find this solves the problem more effectively – and it doesn’t cost a thing.

Utilize Zone Heating

If possible, implement zone heating to heat only the occupied areas of your home. This reduces energy waste in unused spaces and keeps your bills low.

Llewellyn concludes, ‘Optimizing your home temperature during spring can lead to significant energy savings. By setting the thermostat to a slightly lower temperature during the day when occupants are away or active, homeowners can reduce energy consumption without sacrificing comfort. Every degree lower can translate to noticeable savings on your energy bills.’